Category: Goals

  • October 2017-Is your Financial Stress Falling Away?

    Don’t stress about your finances…when you are unable to resolve a physical issue you visit your medical doctor, when you are unable to resolve conflict issues you visit a counselor, so why are waiting to visit a financial coach??  You do not have to go through this alone, you are not the first person with…

  • AUGUST 2017 – Financial Freedom

    #TuesdayThoughts to make #cents4you choose today to take control of your finances! Doing nothing will get you no where.   If you have more month than money, or so it seems, begin today by telling your money where to go. Step 1. FREEZE! Put a freeze on wanted items, pay only the essentials needed items…

  • JULY 2017 – The Road Less Taken

    Many times we are told not to follow the crowd, but today I am going to explain why not to do so.  When you choose to take the road less traveled, it empowers you to follow your journey..your choices!  When you set the pace, pave the way, and follow your own lead then you can…

  • JUNE 2017 – Summer Fun

    It’s summer time, time for fun – grillin out – and checkin out  your current budget. Budgets are not cut in stone, they need to be fluid, to adjust to your ever changing world…when you plan and budget up to one year out for vacations, holidays, and summer fun then they do not seem so overwhelming…

  • MAY 2017 – WHY do you spend money?

    This month, I want you to consider not just how you spend your money but WHY you spend it?!  As a giver myself, I am always dropping off a gift for no reason to friends, coworkers, and family.  They love me for it, but am I appreciated or taken advantage of my generosity?  Don’t misread…

  • APRIL 2017 – Resurrection Life

    What do you need to resurrect in your life?  Take the time to resurrect thankfulness, giving, and hope.  Remember to focus on what you have, not what you do not have.  Wealth is not only about money but being surrounding by those you love, having time to enjoy what you love, and giving love away…

  • March 2017 – Take a break

    Spring break season is upon us, are you ready to THRIVE?  Fun times should already be included in your budget, as well as vacations and birthdays.  Most people forget to include these and then may feel they are missing out in all the fun, or they feel guilty because they could not spend what they…

  • February 2017 – Loving

    As the season of love approaches, I am reminded that you should love yourself first.  So what does that mean?  Loving yourself is not selfishness but creating the best you to THRIVE in all you do – relationships, work, finances.  When you pay yourself first by setting aside your savings, your retirement, or fun money; then,…