Women $haring Weekend is a ladies only event empowering women to achieve their financial and nonfinancial goals! Each year there is a theme and you can find one near you or partner with us to host one locally.
A typical event is held at a hotel venue or near a fun downtown area. The comradery begins Friday night and ends Sunday afternoon. The price ranges from $250-$400, with an early bird special if you pay in full at least six weeks in advance of the weekend date. The price includes Friday dinner, Friday late night snacks and prizes, Saturday breakfast snacks, lunch, and dinner, with all day drinks and snacks, all the workshop materials, plus the Sunday brunch. Space is limited to 50 women so register early!
Feel free to invite your friends using our Cents+Ability Facebook page or our partner links. Our theme for 2019 is to REFRESH! The guest speaker will be a local woman whom you can connect with after the W$W is over; we encourage you to stay connected throughout the year with those sisters that you meet! So next year, you can double the attendance with each bringing at least one new guest.
Below is a short example agenda:
Friday 7-9pm (optional) Dinner – a time to relax and unwind
Friday 9:30pm PJs & Jams – your favorite tunes, games, and snacks while you mingle
Saturday 9am-9pm All day together at the venue with speakers, games, food, and fun
Sunday 9:30-10:30 (optional) Bible Study & Worship in my room
Sunday 10:30am-2pm Brunch to share with new friends
More agenda details will be emailed to you after your full registration is paid. If you cannot arrive until Saturday, be sure to arrive early for the best seats (and parking); the door opens at 8:45. There will be no reserved seating. Please browse our past events (2016 & 2017 & 2018) for pictures of the venues and hotel rooms. This may not represent your local area event.
We usually block discounted rooms at the venue hotel, usually for Friday – Sunday night but if you need more dates please notify us. They always go quickly so book early by calling the hotel directly and mentioning The Women Sharing Weekend with Cents+Ability. Parking is usually at your own expense but we try to validate and offer free parking when it is available. Depending upon the venue, sometimes the room is included with your weekend ticket. We encourage you stay on site and take every advantage to refill yourself!!
The weekend includes educational games, sisterhood talks, fun tips & information, prizes, and food. You only need to bring yourself. Sometimes we switch venues nearby to restaurants, wine bars, cafes, or jazz clubs. This is still part of our weekend, so don’t sneak off on your own or you’ll miss the undisclosed fun! Come to share your knowledge and experiences, learn some new ideas, and to receive empowerment & encouragement from other women! Feel free to bring some shopping money for the many artisan shops and the local stores nearby.
More details will be emailed after registration is complete. Payment in full is due at the time of registration. You can pay through requesting an invoice (which will be paid through square online) or you can use the Eventbrite link to pay online. Remember space is limited, so register today! Don’t forget the early bird special price expires if full-payment is not received by the deadline. Usually tickets will not be available at the door and all ticket sales end on Wednesday midnight before the event.
After you register, an invoice will be emailed to you directly from square payments; you may contact us for any questions or concerns by emailing our office at womensharingweekend@cents4you.com
You can also pay online through Eventbrite. (not active yet)
Either way you choose to pay, we will email you a receipt, so be sure you use the REGISTER NOW button.