Women $haring Weekend is a ladies only event empowering women to achieve their financial and nonfinancial goals! This year’s theme is to FLY LIKE AN EAGLE and we will be focusing on how to soar in all areas of your life.
For our 2018 event, we will be returning to the downtown McKinney, Texas area for fun and meals. However, the event will be held at the at The Homewood Suites Hilton Hotel located at 455 Central Expressway North Allen, Texas 75013; just a short drive away. Another new change is that we moved the date from the hot Texas summer to the cool autumn weather in October! Come join us for the food, fun, and fellowship.
The comradery begins Friday night October 12 and ends Sunday afternoon October 14. The price is $275, with an early bird special of $200 if you pay in full by September 30. The price includes Friday drinks at dinner, late night snacks and prizes, Saturday breakfast snacks, lunch, and dinner, with all day drinks and snacks, all the workshop materials, plus the Sunday brunch. Space is limited to 30 women so register early!
Feel free to invite your friends using our Cents+Ability Facebook page. Our theme this year is to FLY LIKE AN EAGLE! in all areas of life. We may have a surprise guest speaker but you don’t want to miss the excitement that is building as women from all walks of life join in one accord to promote healthy relationships and businesses.
Below is a short agenda:
Friday 7-9pm (optional dinner) show up when you can
Friday 9:30pm Fun starts with PJs & Jams
Saturday 9am-9pm All day together learning and sharing – a few places we plan to visit Landon Winery, the Antique Mall, Eclair Bistro (all meals are included)
Sunday 9:30-10:30 (optional) Bible Study & Worship in my hotel room
Sunday 10:30am-2pm Champagne Brunch at Rick’s Chophouse
More details will be emailed to you after registration. If you cannot arrive until Saturday, be sure to arrive early for the best seats (and parking); the door opens at 8:45. There will be no reserved seating. We will break from the hotel for afternoon activities then eat dinner together at one of the downtown McKinney restaurants. Sunday morning there is an optional Bible Study & Worship in my hotel room, then we all meet for brunch in Rick’s Chophouse, downtown McKinney, adjacent to the Grand Hotel.
We have not blocked off any guest rooms at The Homewood Suites so feel free to stay at home, or any nearby hotel. There is ample free parking at the Hilton hotel. There is also a new parking garage or valet parking near downtown McKinney, which begins at 11am Saturday or Sunday. All tickets will be validated for attendees; please mention The Women Sharing Weekend with Cents+Ability. Parking is at your own risk and costs.
The weekend includes educational games, sisterhood talks, fun tips & information, prizes, and food. You only need to bring yourself. This year we will be visiting a winery next door or you can use the afternoon to shop downtown. This is still part of our weekend, so don’t sneak off on your own or you’ll miss the undisclosed fun to be announced Saturday! Come to share your knowledge and experiences, learn some new ideas, and to receive empowerment & encouragement from other women! Feel free to bring some shopping money for the many artisan shops and the local Antique Mall in downtown McKinney.
More details will be emailed after registration is complete. Payment in full is due upon receiving your invoice from Cents+Ability Financial Solutions through square. An invoice will be emailed to you within one business day after your registration is received. At this time we only accept payments through square, no checks or cash will taken. Your registration holds your spot but your payment guarantees your ticket. All tickets will be emailed to you, but you do not have to have it present with you to attend. Remember space is limited, so register today! Don’t forget the early bird special price expires if full-payment is not received by September 30. If any tickets are available at the door, the costs is $300 and payment will be taken onsite until we are sold out. Your ticket is nonrefundable but it is transferable; please contact us at 972-351-3463 to transfer the ticket at least three business days prior to the weekend date.
After you register, an invoice will be emailed to you directly from square and payment is due upon receipt. Early bird specials will be honored until midnight on September 30, 2018. A W$W representative will contact you following your payment to welcome you to the event and provide more details. Those details will also be emailed to you.
Invite a friend and register together!